
Tummy Tucks Have Extraordinary Benefits

Tummy Tucks Have Extraordinary Benefits

If you are considering undergoing a tummy tuck in Kansas City here at Associated Plastic Surgeons, you are already likely familiar with the cosmetic benefits you will receive. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that improves the abdominal appearance by tightening stomach muscles and removing excess skin. However, many people don’t realize that tummy tucks have extraordinary benefits beyond achieving a flatter stomach. 

Tummy Tucks Decrease Back Pain 

The weakening of core muscles due to pregnancy and extreme weight loss often leads to many women complaining of back pain. Because abdominoplasty surgically tightens weak abdominal muscles, you will likely receive some much-needed relief from back pain. 

Reduce Stress Urinary Incontinence  

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a bladder control condition that some women may develop with age or after having children. SUI happens when there is excessive pressure on the bladder that causes uncontrollable leakage caused by sudden and forceful actions like laughing or sneezing. tummy tuck can help reduce SUI by tightening the soft tissues that support the bladder and ultimately keep it closed to prevent leaks.  

Improve Poor Posture 

In conjunction with relieving back pain, abdominoplasty also helps improve posture. When back muscles are overcompensated, they become weakened, leading to poor posture. A tummy tuck procedure gives you the much-needed abdominal support that is necessary to support the spine. 

Correct a Ventral Hernia 

A ventral hernia is a bulge through the abdominal wall, which can create a type of pouch. A ventral hernia typically forms at the site of a past surgical incision, above the navel, or other weak muscle spots. This often causes pain in the abdomen. A tummy tuck helps correct a ventral hernia by addressing these weak muscles, which then reduces pressure on the skin. 

Other Tummy Tuck Benefits 

Our surgeons personalize each tummy tuck procedure to address the unique needs and goals of the patient. In general, this procedure can provide one or a combination of the following benefits: 

  • Remove loose, stretched skin and excess belly fat 
  • Repair stretched, separated abdominal muscles that cause a tummy bulge 
  • Provide a firmer, smoother abdominal profile 
  • Renew body image and confidence  

Contact Associated Plastic Surgeons For Your Tummy Tuck 

As you can see, tummy tucks have extraordinary benefits beyond a slimmer stomach. You can expect both physical and medical benefits, including better fitting clothes and less back pain. You can browse some before and after photos of previous clients who underwent abdominoplasty in Kansas City at our office by viewing our galleryTo learn more about the wonders of abdominoplasty, contact our office to request a consultation or call (913) 451-3722.