APS MD Peel in Kansas City

If you are experiencing the development of superficial skin concerns—such as aging, fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, skin discoloration, dull and dehydrated skin, and acne scarring—and you want a treatment that can target them all—our APS MD Peel can help. Our experienced MedSpa team can set you up with this clinical-strength chemical peel that targets all these skin concerns and more.

For more information about scheduling an appointment for your APS MD Peel in Kansas City, connect with our knowledgeable medical team today.

What Is The APS MD Peel?

Our Kansas City APS MD Peel is a professionally-applied, clinical-strength chemical peel. Chemical peels are specialty skin care treatments designed to chemically exfoliate the top, dead-most layers of your facial skin, revealing glowing and healthy skin underneath.

A carefully prepared cocktail created with skin-nourishing and clinical-grade ingredients is applied to your face by one of our talented estheticians. As the mask penetrates your skin, it gets right to work—chemically dissolving dead skin cells, while delivering targeted skin nourishing treatments to your skin. After an hour, your skin will be completely revitalized and glowing with youthful radiance.

What Conditions Does the APS MD Peel Treat?

With powerful chemical exfoliation, the APS MD Peel can treat a variety of superficial skin concerns at once, including:

  • Melasma
  • Acne scarring
  • Signs of aging
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Superficial scarring
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Environmental, sun, and UV damage
  • Brown spots, age spots, and sun spots
  • Hyperpigmentation and skin discoloration

With an APS MD peel treatment in Kansas City, you can target all of these issues at once and achieve beautifully radiant, even-toned, smooth, and healthy-looking skin.

How Can the APS MD Peel Improve My Skin?

The APS MD Peel can broadly improve the look, feel, and health of your skin in a variety of ways, including:

  • Reducing acne and acne scarring
  • Improving skin hydration and elasticity
  • Improving skin tone, texture, and firmness
  • Enhancing radiance and luminosity of the skin
  • Restoring the appearance of aged and mature skin
  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improving the texture of scarred and sun-damaged skin
  • Fading away hyperpigmentation, including melasma, brown spots, and age spots

Discover how our APS MD Peel can help you achieve these benefits by scheduling an initial consultation with our knowledgeable Kansas City MedSpa team.

How Can I Best Prepare My Skin Before My APS MD Peel Appointment?

Before your appointment, you will be given a list of guidelines to help you care for your skin before and after your treatment. In general, we advise the following tips to help our patients get the most out of their treatment:

  • Drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated
  • Do not exfoliate the treatment area prior to or following your treatment
  • Care for your skin by wearing sunscreen and avoiding the sun as much as possible
  • Avoid using skin products with strong ingredients, including anti-aging or anti-acne products

Many of our Kansas City patients get the APS MD Peel to prepare for a special event. To keep your skin looking perfect on the big day, we recommend booking your treatment at least two weeks in advance.

How Do I Care For My Skin Following My APS MD Peel?

After your procedure, your skin will need extra care to ensure your results last as long as possible. Here are a few guidelines that we recommend to our Kansas City patients, following their APS MD Peel:

  • Avoid touching the treatment area
  • Avoid the sun, and always wear sunscreen
  • Take care to hydrate yourself by drinking water
  • Do not over-exfoliate your skin or apply harsh products to it
  • Avoid the gym, dry saunas, and steam rooms while your skin heals
  • Do not apply makeup or products to the skin immediately after your procedure
  • Wait 24 hours before washing your skin with a gentle cleanser and cool water

Following these tips and any personalized direction from our skincare experts will help you achieve beautiful and long-lasting results from your APS MD Peel.

Reveal Flawless Skin With Our Kansas City APS MD Peel

Our APS MD Peel is a fantastic way to treat many of the most common superficial signs of aging at once. This non-invasive, non-surgical dermatology treatment is ideal for our male and female adult patients of all ages. It is also a great way to pamper your skin for a special event.

For more information about setting up an appointment for your APS MD Peel in Kansas City, call Associated Plastic Surgeons today.