Karina Pesonel

Karina Pesonel


What sets Karina apart is her unwavering commitment to delivering effective yet simple skincare regimens. She believes in the power of combination therapies combining facials, lasers, and microneedling to achieve optimal results. Her own personal skincare journey from teen acne to anti-aging has instilled in her a profound empathy for her patients, as she knows firsthand the impact of radiant skin on one’s self- esteem.

Meet Docotor

For a More Confident Tomorrow

Associated Plastic Surgeons is a plastic surgery clinic serving the Kansas City metro area. Our plastic surgeons, Dr. Mark McClung, Dr. Sheryl Young, Dr. Joseph Cannova Jr., Dr. Jon Rast, Dr. Elizabeth Killion & Dr. Jacob Smith perform breast augmentation, tummy tuck, facelift, liposuction, and eyelid surgery for Kansas City, KS, Overland Park, Leawood, and Kansas City, MO men and women. Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

    Karina Pesonel Karina Pesonel N/A

    What sets Karina apart is her unwavering commitment to delivering effective yet simple skincare regimens. She believes in the power of combination therapies combining facials, lasers, and microneedling to achieve optimal results. Her own personal skincare journey from teen acne to anti-aging has instilled in her a profound empathy for her patients, as she knows firsthand the impact of radiant skin on one’s self- esteem.

    Plastic Surgeons

    Associated Plastic Surgeons

    11501 Granada Lane,
    Leawood, KS 66211