Breast Reduction Q&A

Breast Reduction Q&A

We are continuing with our Q&A series this month by answering your questions about breast reduction. Breast reductions are one of the most popular procedures in plastic surgery and women of all ages are interested in finding out how the surgery can benefit them. Let’s take a look at the top questions we found for breast reduction:
Question #1: Should I get a breast reduction before having children? Will it cause problems with breastfeeding?
Our Thoughts:
Most of the time, it is advised that a woman waits until after she has finished having children before getting any type of breast surgery. This is due to the fact that pregnancy changes the body. Your breasts will increase in size and this can cause sagging and stretching of the skin postpartum. Most of the time, the breasts will return to normal and you will not be able to see a difference in your results, but there is a chance that you may require an additional breast lift after your child-bearing days are over. Waiting until after pregnancy is a personal decision. If you are experiencing severe back pain, rashes or any other physical health problem, you may decide to go ahead with your breast reduction right now and that is ok. Each person has different needs and your specific needs can be discussed with your surgeon to see if waiting is possible or if it would be in your best interest to proceed immediately.
There is no guarantee that a woman will be able to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery. All effort will be made to keep the milk ducts intact, but even the most skilled surgeon cannot promise that no damage will be made. Any breast surgery that involves the removal of the nipple runs a risk of breastfeeding problems such as nipple sensitivity or numbness around the nipple due to nerve damage. With that being said, on average women will be able to nurse their babies after this type of surgery, it is just important to know that there is a risk that you may not be able to and you should consider this before making your decision.
Question #2: What happens after breast reduction surgery?
Our Thoughts:
Recovery times vary, but for most people there is about a two-week period where you will need to rest, stay off from work and limit your activity. Physical activity, such as lifting and exercising, should be stopped completely for at least a month. You will most likely have mild to moderate pain right after surgery along with some swelling and bruising. You will have a scar that will be really red at first but after a few months, it will begin to fade and will take up to a year to completely heal. The shape of your breasts will change over a six-month period and you will not see your final results until the end of this period.
Question #3: Is breast reduction surgery covered by insurance?
Our Thoughts:
Insurance companies may cover a breast reduction if you are experiencing health problems related to the size of your breasts. Breast reduction also falls under the “reconstruction” category for insurances so they may pay for the reduction, but there are some limiting factors. Your weight, pre-existing conditions and the extent of your insurance coverage will determine your eligibility for a breast reduction. You will want to call your insurance provider before scheduling your surgery. Getting pre-authorization will ensure that you do not end up with an unexpected bill post-surgery.
Question #4: Will losing weight help me to decrease the size of my breasts or do I need a breast reduction?
Our Thoughts:
Breasts are made up of mostly fatty tissue that will expand as you gain weight. For a lot of women who are overweight, losing pounds will mean losing cup sizes. For other women, it isn’t so easy. Some women have breasts that are made up of denser tissue that is not fatty. These women may be able to lose some volume but their breasts will not have as noticeable a change as women with mostly fat. If you are overweight, your surgeon may suggest your diet and exercise until you can reach a normal weight for your body type. When you reach your goal weight, the surgeon can then determine if you need a breast reduction. Some insurances will not pay for a breast reduction in overweight individuals, so this is another reason to drop the pounds before a getting your breast reduction.
If you have any questions about breast reduction surgery, please contact our office today!