Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

In the interest of safety for our staff and our patients, Associated Plastic Surgeons has been following the progression of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States. The health of our staff and our patients is the top priority for Associated Plastic Surgeons. We have implemented recommendations and best practices from the CDC, federal and local government, and our physicians to gradually re-open our practice to see patients for the types of appointments and procedures we are now allowed to offer. You will see some changes the next time you visit our practice as we all fight this virus together. Below is a list of processes and protocols we have put in place for the foreseeable future.

Visiting Our Office:

  • We kindly ask that all visitors wear a mask. Please bring a mask from home. If you didn’t bring a mask from home one will be provided to you.
  • Visitors are limited to one per person unless is a minor accompanied by their parents/legal guardian.
  • Screening of every patient will happen when you check-in at the front desk including a screening questionnaire and temperature checks for all visitors. You may be asked to reschedule if you show symptoms.
  • Temperature checks will be done at the front desk using a no-touch temporal infrared thermometer. Any patient that answers Yes to a screening question, or has a temperature of over 99 degrees may be asked to reschedule and contact their physician immediately.
  • We have always maintained the highest standards of infection control which is our foundation to prevent the spread of any contagious virus, infection, or disease. We disinfect all common areas in our office throughout the day, and all areas of our procedure rooms are disinfected after each patient.
  • Clients and staff will be encouraged to continue to practice social distancing.

The waiting room:

  • The waiting room will be limited to no more than 20 visitors at a time.
  • The main waiting room has been rearranged and chairs have been taken out to maintain the 6 feet of social distancing.
  • Wiping our waiting room down with sanitizing wipes throughout the day including door handles, elevator buttons, chair arms, ect.
  • Restrooms will be sanitized multiple times per day.
  • Pens, clip boards, counter tops and any other item that is touched will be sanitized after each use.


  • All staff and providers will be required to wear a mask, check temperatures daily, and check for symptoms.
  • Washing hands each time a staff member returns to the office from breaks and lunches is required.
  • Staff must wash hands between each patient, and use hand sanitizer after any contact with a patient.
  • Staff and providers are screened for symptoms each day and are required to take appropriate self-quarantine actions if they feel ill, all pursuant to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
  • All staff that come in close contact with a patient will be required to wear a mask and use a N95 mask during procedures. All Estheticians will be required to wear a N95 mask when treating patients.

In the exam room:

  • Sanitizing exam rooms after each patient.
  • Deep clean of procedure rooms after every patient.
  • We will ask patients to wear a mask if they are having a treatment, injection, or test that requires close contact by a staff member and the use of a mask doesn’t interfere with the treatment .
  • We will be lengthening appointment times and treatment times to allow ample opportunity to thoroughly sanitize the room after each use.

What to expect for your procedure:

  • COVID-19 testing will be done on all patients having a surgery at an outside surgery center. This will be coordinated by the surgery center 72 hours in advance.
  • For in-office procedures COVID-19 testing will be done for any procedure involving the face.
  • We ask that patients self-isolate until their procedure after the COVID-19 test is performed. This is to reduce the chance of contracting the virus after testing.
  • Staff and providers will wear full protective equipment during procedures including hair bonnets, face shields, N95 masks, a sterile gown, and gloves. This PPE will be changed after each procedure.
  • The nurse will be checking procedure patient’s temps and O2 sats before any procedure.