Don’t Wait for the Lump

Don’t Wait for the Lump

As Breast Cancer Awareness month comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to share a personal triumph of our very own patient, Brandi Palmer. Brandi is one of the great breast cancer survivors in my practice and has recently posted a very touching photo journal of her journey through mastectomy and breast reconstruction. I think it is a heartfelt personal look at her experience. It doesn’t sugar coat the reconstruction or the preoperative jitters. It does however show the joyful finishing photos as she reclaims her life as a wife and mother. I hope all of my patients and for that matter all women who have or are about to embark on this journey, will read her moving story.
We have included her “Don’t Wait for the Lump” video accompanied by Melissa Etheridge’s “I Run for Life” breast cancer tribute in this post.

Brandi is also featured in the October issue of 435 south magazine and shares her surgical experience and talks about her work with St.Luke’s South Hospital to advance the support services for women’s care. The article begins with Brandi describing the boundless friendship that provided her the strength to fight what she simply refers to as “the beast.”
This leads me to the subject of group support. When patients begin the reconstructive experience the support groups are so important. We are all scared of the unknown and this is an opportunity to have open discussion with folks who have finished the experience. It is an invaluable way to get some factual information about what is to come. As the journey continues I can begin to see the fear fall away until these women become the group leaders for the next women. My absolute favorite part is when we get to the end and I see the beaming face as each woman reclaims her femininity and resumes her life, cancer free. These are the moments that keep me operating and I thank each of you for this.
Please remember October is breast cancer awareness month to serve as a great reminder to get that mammogram done. Many of the great facilities I work at have walk in mammograms including St. Joseph’s Medical Center, St.Luke’s South Hospital and Menorah Medical Center. Get it done ladies and Don’t Wait for the Lump!!!
Dr. Cannova