Get Your Mommy Makeover in Kansas City

Get Your Mommy Makeover in Kansas City

Get Your Mommy Makeover in Kansas City–You may be happy about the additions to your family after one or more pregnancies, but less so with how your body appears now.

Pregnancy can cause unpleasant changes to your breasts, abdomen, waist, and buttocks, which is both unfortunate and true. Unfortunately, no amount of exercise can connect together separated muscles or tighten sagging skin. However, there is a way to reverse the consequences of childbirth and regain your appearance before to pregnancy. It is known as a mommy makeover in Kansas City.

What is a Mommy Makeover in Kansas City?

This surgical technique is intended to reshape your body. Depending on the level of restoration desired, it may comprise any of the following procedures:

Am I a suitable candidate for the Mommy Makeover in Kansas City procedure?

Yes, if…

You are in excellent physical health.

You have reached your ideal weight.

You are optimistic and have reasonable expectations.

You have completed your childbearing years.

What are the advantages of a Kansas City Mommy Makeover?

  • A mommy makeover in Kansas City tackles many concerns in a single operation, so you only require anesthesia and recovery once.
  • Stretch marks and C-section scars may be erased or improved if your operation includes a stomach tuck in Kansas City.
  • It can correct hernias and a protruding abdomen.
  • It can alleviate back discomfort and incontinence.
  • Many ladies claim that following their Mommy Makeover, they felt more secure and like themselves.


What are the disadvantages of a Kansas City Mommy Makeover?

  • Multiple procedures will necessitate two to four weeks of downtime and up to three months of recovery time.
  • Abdominoplasty and liposuction will not prevent future weight gain.
  • You may have a scar from hip to hip as a result of the tummy tuck in Kansas City.

 What sort of preparations am I required to make before my Mommy Makeover Surgery in Kansas City?

  • Stop using nicotine replacement treatment and smokes at least four weeks prior to your surgery. Also, prevent secondhand smoke exposure. Nicotine might decrease the blood supply to your raised and tightened skin.
  • Inform your physician if you are taking antibiotics, narcotic pain medications, or weight loss supplements so that your post-operative plan can be modified.
  • Examine your prescriptions and dietary supplements. Certain decongestants, painkillers, and prescription drugs cannot be taken prior to surgery.
  • Ask your doctor if you need to remove your nail polish or fake nails in order for the oximeter to function properly. During surgery, oxygen levels in the blood must be closely checked.
  • Many of the greatest plastic surgeons in Kansas City will provide you with a list of recovery goods to purchase in advance. Compression garments, stool softeners, and other recommended supplements should be included on the list.
  • Prepare care for children and animals for the first week following surgery.
  • Freeze some nutritious meals beforehand so that you may rest and recover.

How long does a Kansas City Mommy Makeover take?

The amount of time necessary will vary depending on your size and the number of procedures being performed especially if you have a tummy tuck in Kansas City. The majority of Mommy Makeovers are completed in 3 to 5 hours, but the more procedures performed concurrently, the longer it takes – up to 6 hours.

Is Mommy Makeover surgery safe?

At APSKC, we have the top plastic surgeons in Kansas City, and your surgeon or another member of our staff will explain any risks involved with surgery in detail. You will be required to sign consent paperwork attesting that you are aware of the procedure’s risks and potential problems.

Why you may easily choose APSKC for your Kansas City Mommy Makeover

Numerous sorts of physicians can conduct cosmetic surgery without formal training in plastic surgery. Statistically, however, board-certified plastic surgeons provide the best outcomes and care. All of our plastic surgeons in Kansas City are board-eligible or board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and have met or exceeded the board’s requirements to earn this prestigious designation.

Our mission is to always give you with cutting-edge procedures, effective treatments, and outstanding care. In addition, we can arrange a payment plan for your surgery.

KC Plastic Surgeons. Surgeons you can trust. Results you can see.

Associated Plastic Surgeons combines the expertise of board-certified plastic surgeons, a board-certified dermatologist, and certified estheticians and nurses with world-class technology and down to earth Midwestern values to provide you unprecedented care and outstanding results. Our unique blend of personalized service and uncompromising professional standards has become the hallmark of our plastic surgery practice in suburban Kansas City.

Associated Plastic Surgeons is a plastic surgery clinic serving the Kansas City metro area. Our plastic surgeons, Dr. McClung, Dr. Young, Dr. Cannova Jr. &Dr. Rast have performed countless successful procedures, such as breast augmentation surgery in Overland Park. These highly skilled and qualified surgeons also perform tummy tucks, facelifts, liposuction, and eyelid surgery in Overland Park on men and women.