It is no secret that female patients make up the vast majority of the face lift industry. In our office, we see more women for facelift procedures than we do men, and that story is the same across the country.
This is true despite the fact that there is really nothing about a facelift which is gender-specific. The goal of a facelift is to reduce visible signs of aging in the face and neck. Of course, those signs of aging can take place for both men and women, so there is no need to for this procedure to remain the territory of women alone.
And, in fact, that is changing. More and more men are choosing to have facelifts. We welcome male patients in our office, and believe men who decide to go through with a facelift will be thrilled with the results.
Getting around to the title question of this blog post, are there differences in facelifts between men and women? Let’s take a closer look.
The Overall Goal is the Same
As stated above, we are working toward the same goal whether performing a facelift on a man or woman. The idea is to create a more attractive face by taking away many of the common visible signs of aging and other blemishes. Men who choose to have a facelift often do so because of some of the following reasons –
While some of the stated reasons to have a facelift are common across many patients, each individual has his or her own motivations for going through with this procedure.
Harder to Hide
Due to social norms, it can be more difficult for men to ‘hide’ parts of their face after having a facelift performed. Women are commonly able to wear make-up or long hair in order to cover up spots that they don’t want to have seen by others. This may not be possible for men. Many men are not comfortable wearing their hair long, and very few wear make-up.
In order to complete a male facelift successfully, the doctor involved needs to be experienced and accomplished in this line of work. It is important to get the procedure just right to ensure there are as few signs of the operation as possible. Basically, there is less margin for error when working on a man as opposed to a woman. Visiting an experienced and trusted practice will go a long way toward allowing a man to have a positive experience with their facelift.
Blending Youthfulness with Experience
In most cases, women want to look younger when they choose to have a facelift. That is not always the case when dealing with male patients. Looking a bit younger may be part of the equation, but some men simply want to look better – and not necessarily younger.
Why is that? Simple – in men, experience is often seen as a positive. Whether in the professional setting or in a personal relationship, a few signs of aging may confer traits such as wisdom and knowledge. That being said, many male facelift patients don’t actually want to eliminate all signs of aging. Instead, they want to walk a fine line between improving their facial appearance and maintaining the visible signs of aging that can only come with time.
To achieve the desired look, the most important thing to do is have an honest and open consultation with your doctor. If you are a man thinking of having a facelift performed, you need to speak openly about your goals in order to make sure you and your doctor are on the same page. Only when your doctor understands exactly what you wish to achieve through the facelift will you be able to arrive at a successful conclusion.
At this point in time, we are happy to report that most of the stigma associated with a man choosing to get a facelift is a thing of the past. More and more men are opting for this procedure, and we expect that trend to continue well into the future.
If you would like to learn more about our facelift procedures, please feel free to contact our office at your convenience. We look forward to serving you!