Plastic Surgery During Flu Season. Is It a Good Idea?

Plastic Surgery During Flu Season. Is It a Good Idea?

Did you know that the best time to get plastic surgery is during the winter months? Some people find that a little strange, seeing as how the winter time is also prime time for the flu. The flu brings about aches and pains, chills and fever that may not mesh well with recovering from surgery. Yuck! But the good news is, you are less likely to get the flu after surgery because you are in your home, snug and warm, away from those pesky germs. So, yes, the winter time is still the best time to get plastic surgery for these very important reasons:

You Get to Stay Indoors!

This is important for many reasons. When you are inside, you are not exposing your skin to the harsh rays of the sun. Too much sun after surgery can slow wound healing, which is not good for minimal scarring. When you stay inside, you are actually away from sick people more. There is no reason to be out and about in the malls and schools during the holidays. You and your kids can stay home and enjoy family time which is an added perk.  Just make sure you keep plenty of hand sanitizer and soap around for visitors!

Extra Time!

You have more time off during the holidays which fall in the winter. More time off means you get to relax without burning important vacation or sick days. If you strategically plan your surgery between Christmas and New Year’s Day, you will have plenty of holiday leave to cover your days off after surgery. This extra time also means that you will not have to return to work before you are ready to fight off the office flu bug.

You Will Have More Help!

Not only will you have time off from work, but the kids will be home from school and your spouse, friends and family will also be around more! This may sound counterproductive to having a restful recovery, but really, it will be a blessing. You will need someone around to help you do the things that you cannot do. Clean the house, cook dinner and just keep you company if you are feeling a little bored. Having extra people around will also help you get all your holiday preparations ready so that you are not feeling stressed during your recovery.

You Can Cover Up!

It can take a little while for swelling to go down and for your real results to begin to show. During the winter, you can wear oversized, warm clothing to help cover up your healing body. By the time flu season is gone, you will be ready to enter into spring with a new body. It can be quite a reveal to coworkers or friends if you have kept your surgery a secret. You will be beach ready and will not have to cancel vacation plans to have your procedure.

Defeat the Winter Blues!

For some people, the winter months bring on a bout of seasonal depression. It is the time of year where we tend to gain the most weight and feel sad about our life decisions. If you have been wanting a change for a long time, then plastic surgery during the winter will give you the boost of confidence that you have been needing. You will begin feeling better about yourself. You will be watching what you eat so you may not gain those extra holiday pounds. The anticipation of seeing your complete results may be just what you need to get through the dreary months without sinking into depression.

Don’t let your fear of getting the flu stop you from getting a plastic surgery procedure. Just remember to follow normal flu prevention including getting your flu shot, washing your hands frequently and staying away from areas where there are large crowds of people. Take the opportunity to stay inside, take some extra time off from work and enjoy visiting with your family and friends. This is the perfect opportunity to bring about a new you in the new year!

If you have any questions about how to schedule your surgery during the holiday season, give us a call. You can come into the office for a consultation and we will discuss your procedure, the timing of your surgery and what you can expect during your recovery period. Our board-certified surgeons are available for appointments, so please contact our office today!