Should I Get a Nose Job? Here Are Five Things to Consider:

Should I Get a Nose Job? Here Are Five Things to Consider:

For better or worse, your nose is often the focal point of your face. The size and shape can complement your appearance or distract from the rest of your features. Think you fall into the latter category? If you’re considering rhinoplasty, the talented surgeons at Associated Plastic Surgeons can help.

Rhinoplasty, better known as a nose job, is the surgical reshaping of the nose. For many patients, it involves manipulating the cartilage and/or bones of the nose to achieve a desired shape and size. Some patients choose the procedure to resolve breathing issues caused by an injury or deviated septum.

“No two noses are the same,” says Associated Plastic Surgeon’s Dr. Mark McClung, who has performed thousands of these procedures over his 25-year career. “And no two nose jobs are the same, either. It’s all about proportion and well-balanced features.”

Want to learn more? McClung says these are the top five things you should know before considering a nose job.

5) A nose job isn’t an immediate fix. Final results can take months.
“It can—and often does—take up to a year to resolve all swelling and see final details of the procedure. I always point out that a photo taken at one, six, and twelve months will all be noticeably different. That being said, recovery time is different for everyone as well. One good thing about rhinoplasty is the procedure is not particularly painful, depending on the extent of the surgery.”

4) Form vs. function
“A cosmetic rhinoplasty is about improving the appearance, shape, and proportions of the nose. But there are functional reasons for rhinoplasty as well, like internal and external nasal valve issues. Many patients opt to do an operation that combines both functional and cosmetic components. In those instances, there is a portion paid by insurance and the cosmetic portion billed to the patient.”

3) Seek out an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon.
“Each nose job is unique—and must be customized to fit your face. Remember, it’s important to choose someone who can give you individualized care and personal consideration. Many factors need to be discussed beforehand—like the shape of your face and chin position. In addition, the width of your forehead, eyes, and cheeks all determine what kind of nose will be a good fit.”

2) Sorry—but achieving a celebrity nose may not be attainable.
“Here in the Midwest, most patients want to ensure a natural look. Nothing too dramatic or drastic. Occasionally, patients want to mimic the look of their favorite celebrity. (Kate Middleton and Scarlett Johansson top that list, by the way.) Be mindful of any plastic surgeon who tells you they can duplicate any celeb look. Many times, it’s simply not attainable.”

1) One out of ten patients may require a rhinoplasty revision.
“I always tell people nose surgery is a highly complex procedure and may require a minor adjustment to get it right. The surgery itself is usually under three hours, but results can last a lifetime. Sometimes minor tweaks are necessary once a surgeon has evaluated your final results.

Bottom line: nose surgery can vastly improve your self-image and quality of life, regardless of whether it’s a medical necessity, aesthetics, or a mixture of both. Take time to find a surgeon who is experienced in the procedure and will listen to your preferences.”

At Associated Plastic Surgeons, all of our doctors are well-versed in rhinoplasty and ready to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Want to learn more or schedule a consultation? Call us today at (913) 451-3722 or visit us here.