
Things to Know About a Tummy Tuck Procedure

Things to Know About a Tummy Tuck Procedure

Getting a tummy tuck in Leawood is something many people have considered.  It’s easy to see the final results of a successful procedure and immediately think you can have the look and figure that you’ve dreamed of.   

Associated Plastic Surgeons is a premier facility that specializes in a Leawood tummy tuck operation.  A tummy tuck can boost your self-confidence to levels you may have never thought possible.  But with any procedure, you should be well informed before making your final decision. 

Here is a list of four items you should keep in mind when it comes to a Leawood tummy tuck: 

  • It doesn’t happen overnight 
  • Rest is crucial 
  • It will be uncomfortable at first 
  • Prioritize the healing process  

It Doesn’t Happen Overnight 

Immediately after surgery you will be far from a finished product.  There is swelling from the surgery that can lingerespecially for the first three weeks.  There will be a scar from the surgery incision that will scab over and become tender.  Scars and scabs are just normal parts of plastic surgery in Leawood, it is temporary, and just part of the entire tummy tuck process. 

The swelling and scarring eventually recede, and within a few months, you will be amazed by your new look!  In some cases, patients continue to see more positive results up to a full year after their tummy tuck in Leawood! 

Rest is Crucial 

Do not be fooled by the name; a tummy tuck is a significant surgery.  The night after surgery, you should limit your physical activity to light walking.  Any other physical activity should be off-limits.  Ask for help with regular household items for the first two weeks after your procedure.  If you have young children, you should not be lifting them during this time.  

You will also be on pain medication after your procedure, so you will be unable to drive.  Make sure you make transportation arrangements with friends and loved ones. 

It will be Uncomfortable at First 

According to many plastic surgeons in Leawood, the first few days after your procedure will be tough.  With almost all movements, your abdominal wall is required.  So, plan on feeling discomfort when you: sit-up, stand, or even laugh.  Be sure to take your prescription meds as scheduled; this will make the pain much more tolerable.  After a few days, the pain will decrease, and each day you should show improvement. 

Prioritize the Healing Process 

The healing process goes faster when you continue to do your part.  Fueling your body with whole foods and lean protein can help rebuild tissue.  According to many Leawood plastic surgeons, many patients feel the need to diet after a tummy tuck in Leawood, which is highly discouraged.  During this time of recovery, your body needs nourishment, so it is recommended to stay away from fasting or dieting.   

Contact Associated Plastic Surgeons Today! 

If you have been considering a procedure to improve your look, please contact us to discuss all your options.  As a leader among Leawood plastic surgeons for over thirty years, Associated Plastic Surgeons has the expertise, reliable results, and unmatched care you deserve on your path to the new and improved you!