As you get older, gravity seems to be the bane of everyone’s existence, especially when it comes to your face. For many people, one of the first signs of getting older involves droopy, heavy eyebrows. Aging typically causes brows to move down as skin and soft tissues lose the ability to snap back into place after being stretched.
The lowered position of the eyebrows can make you look tired, angry, or sad. That’s why many patients opt for a brow lift, in order to raise their eyebrows and provide a refreshed or renewed visage.
“The goal of the brow lift is to give a rejuvenated appearance to the forehead, brows, and upper lids by elevating the brow position,” says Dr. Mark McClung, who has done countless of these successful procedures in his storied 25-year career in Kansas City. “Many people perceive heaviness in this area which can sometimes be remedied by eyelid surgery. However, if the brows are in an excessively low position, the desired balance of anatomy will not be achieved without elevating those as well.”
According to Dr. McClung, a brow lift is certainly not as well known (or understood) as eyelid surgery. “But identifying the need for a brow lift is an important option to
consider,” he says.
A brow lift can be performed in conjunction with eyelid surgery or facelift surgery to correct age-related changes to the eyes and mid- to lower face and neck regions. “A plastic surgeon that’s well-versed in both procedures can help clarify what is possible and what is the best approach,” adds McClung.
If you’re considering the procedure, Dr. McClung will gladly answer any questions you may have during your complimentary cosmetic consultation at his Leawood office. In the meantime, here are several of his most frequently asked questions about brow lifts:
What are the pros and cons of the procedure?
“A browpexy can enhance the effects of upper eyelid surgery in people with a sagging brow, without the high cost and side effects of a more extensive procedure.
Cons? While it raises the brow slightly, it isn’t ideal for people who have significant droopiness, creases, or furrows. Another downside of a browlift is that there are initially more visible scars than with eyelid surgery.”
What are the main benefits?
“This procedure can subtly alter where your eyebrows sit on your face and can soften wrinkles and uplift your brows. A brow lift can also restore the natural arch in your eyebrows, reduce sagging in upper eyelids, and minimize the appearance of crow’s feet.
Also, an enhanced brow and upper lid procedure will also give the appearance of more open eyelids that both look and function better.”
Can a brow lift help me see better?
“Yes and no. A brow lift can be an ideal option for resolving an overhanging brow that shadows your vision. But, let’s say your vision is obstructed by drooping upper eyelid skin. In that case, you may be a better candidate for eyelid surgery—a.k.a. blepharoplasty. I am happy to help you decide on the right option or what to consider.”
When do I see results—and what does recovery look like?
“Out of the gate, results from a brow lift may leave a surprised look on a patient’s face. But, as swelling subsides and bruising and redness dissipate, the eyebrows and forehead look subtly more relaxed and natural.
While every patient is different, there could be swelling around the eyes and cheeks that diminishes within a couple of weeks. Again, it all depends on the extent of the procedure(s). Patients should plan to take a week or two off work for healing and recovery. Frequent icing is a must—and most redness or bruising may be camouflaged with makeup.”
At Associated Plastic Surgeons, all of our doctors are well-versed in various cosmetic surgery procedures—including brow lifts. Want to learn more or schedule a surgical consultation? Call us today at (913) 451-3722.