Microneedling is a procedure whose origins have been around for a long time. A microneedling procedure involves a series of tiny needles that glide over the skin. Where radio frequency microneedling in Kansas City differs, the needles don’t simply glide over the skin, radiofrequency is used to boost the needles. Many people think this procedure revolves around creating tiny lesions in the skin so your body can create healthier skin in its place to minimize scars, wrinkles, and aging.
The procedure does work very well for this purpose, and many patients are finding that they have up to 50% improvement of acne scars, wrinkles, and signs of aging. This is huge if you are looking for cosmetic surgeons in Kansas City that can improve the look of your skin.
Let’s look at some of the benefits of radio frequency microneedling:
Traditional microneedling also has great benefits on its own. According to some of the best Kansas City plastic surgeons, traditional microneedling has become a very popular and safe practice. The addition of the radio frequency provides almost a boost of sorts when it comes to the procedure itself. So, you might ask, what are some benefits of adding radio frequency to microneedling?
At Associated Plastic Surgeons, we offer a wide range of cosmetic procedures and surgeries. It’s why we are considered by many as a premier plastic surgery med spa in Kansas City. We will ensure that our patients have a wide variety of options based on their individual needs. We are well-staffed with board-certified Kansas City plastic surgeons that have the highest medical and ethical standards. This, paired with our state-of-the-art equipment, gives our patients confidence that they are working with some of the highest quality cosmetic surgeons in Kansas City.
To get started today, give us a call at (913) 451-3722 to schedule an appointment or visit our website to request a complimentary cosmetic consultation for your next cosmetic procedure.
We look forward to meeting you soon.